Public Transport Priority

The system is designed to arrange Public Transport Priority pass at the crossroads equipped with a set of traffic lights controlled by adaptive-control system.

The system is aimed at reducing time spent by trams at traffic lights and minimizing difficulties for other road users.

One of the main purposes to develop this system is to improve cost efficiency of the passenger carriage by public transport and increase passenger comfort with the use of innovative technology in the sphere of satellite navigation and communication, multifunctional onboard terminals, forecast calculation tools and adaptive control system.

Software and Hardware Package

Public Transport Priority system includes the following:

— onboard navigation equipment;

— special and server software.


  • Identification and authorization of the Driver.

  • Arrangement of two-way data exchange via GSM/GPRS/UTMS/LTE, Wi-Fi.

  • Vehicle Location Identification and data transmission to server with pre-selected interval.

  • Integration of additional equipment and data acquisition within the unified interface: emergency button, microphone, reverse drive sensor, door opening, etc.

  • Enhanced capability to control software interface.

  • History browsing of all events and messages.

  • Video recording and passenger information.


The efficiency of implementation and integration of Public Transport Priority pass is significant as for transport enterprises, as well as for end users of the transport service.

For Land Public Transport

  • Providing priority at intersections equipped with traffic lights by changing traffic light operation.

  • Quickest possible pass at intersection without difficulties for other road users.

  • Optimization of traffic schedule by controlling arrival time at particular intersection and fixing time at its passing.

For passengers

  • Increase of service quality for Moscow population.

  • Reduce of travel time.

  • Easy-to-use and accuracy when planning travel time in public transport.